Boss according to calculation us, most certainly title The Emperor will go out deh...” said light OS as part of jury team to one of petinggi STARtainment as organizer event which will perform edition of its(the final in Balai Kartini, November later.
Yup...sebuah wise decision of which is enough weight to be taken. The reason is, after through calculation njelimet and stringency debate, finally car Honda Estilo Crossfire racikan Xtreme Soundworks Surabaya, proper carry title The Emperor for the first time his(its.
Nice Detail With 30 Subs
Didn't miscast of course if this Estilo Crossfire dinobatkan to become first Emperor in Indonesia. The reason is for business finishing, idea and detail work, Estilo this chameleon simply can be spelled out members not fail with the “ senior” which has in advance glorious.
First of all, the pimpro ( leader proyek-red.) Deden, countersinks 30 fruit of subwoofer into hatchback sedan exiguus cabin which also hardly is liked in world street this race. “ We apply all possibility that the spaces in cabin Estilo. Result of his(its enough optimal with 30 subwoofer” explains young instalatur is being ascending its(the career.
Of course correctness, every milisenti from available cabin space applied to dash down every subwoofer attached. Started from back cabin which has oppressed, gallery of mine under jok front, trim door and enabling other places. Its(the principle there is no areal let gets away.
Which enough making OS a few geleng-geleng is work with finishing and detail which counted precision. Can be spelled out members, quality of work of like this usually mastered by senior workshop-workshop empirically job(activity which as of warehouse it is of course. So, workshop which mangkal in number Barata Jaya, Surabaya, at least solvent this of menunjukan its(the class.
This can be seen through cosmetic gaps motorized, contour hollowing and its(the cosmetic panels extension. “ Mas can see same extension of celahnya”tantang Deden to OS when photograph session is done.
Best Extreme Fiber Design
In gelaran Stereo Look Modification and this Tuner Show Off, Estilo “ Extreme” this Crossfire can grab one of prestigious title that is, Best Extreme Fiber Design. Likely this cup of course it is good to stops by to citadel Crossfire . Where with strength designs is extreme with 30 subwoofer for car cabin as of class Estilo, this still be added with dual system motorized, Chameleon extreme cosmetics and finishing which natty of boss caryopsis!!! As other evidence, not less than 18 trophy can be grabbed team which “ have time” is not considered its(the existence at event SLM performed in Surabaya for the first time of this.
Carries 30 subwoofer kedalam a narrow;tight cabin of course not easy. Besides requiring kepiawaian is more, seoang instalatur also need to thought of space the rest which later will be utilized for other important device which will support system designed it is of course, like power, speaker or source of energy?power allowance like accumulator for example.
Result of his(its, designed cosmetic in such a manner with theme futuristik which viscid. a box fiber with beautiful similar design dint friskily can make a move cabin exit energy by system motorized which have been tested can work expediently and smooth. After part of this exit, hence space the rest zero applied to fill other subwoofer.
Hereinafter is see quality of contour dint and finishing paint done. Xtreme Soundworks again menunjukan its(the class where its(the garapan is this counted cumulus. Its(the contour is smooth and far from impression “ weight” or gives. Besides finishing solvent chameleon paint “ anaesthetizes” each and everyone who melihat...wowl!!
Customized Interior
Garapan custom at interior side nor forgotten. Although form of dasboard in general doesn't experience ubahan many, but attention of OS concentrated to couple “ throne” acrylic.
Acrylic sheet fed as thick 3 cm ordered to be special from special Jakarta to till a couple of this custom seat. “ Every its(the bodi contour dint, we take away from Sparco Torino. While to aparting treads on foot/feet, we correspond to owner of car. Coincidently its(the owner has small body posture, thus distance treads on it have been adapted for owner” light Deden again.
At its(the production process is simply not easy to thought. Required more than simply “ diligent”, that is improve in facing constraint. “ Acrylic 3 this cm is not cut uses laser, malainkan manual. its(the Trik consisted of three part of pekerjaaan. Firstly is part of sawing, both parts is inhaling acrylic dirt, and third is part of sprinkling water. All these is done by saw memuai and temperature. Mean sawmill process thus is pursued and lag” light Deden again elaborate.
its(the Klimax is admission filling of the throne of without less than 2000 ingots LED is having color is blue filling stiap angle of cosmetic garapan this Xtreme Soundworks. Weits...ngekstrim yooo....!!!
All About Crossfire
Product of negari this Paman Sam actually have ever been is popular in in the middle of the 90-an and beginning of this milenium. But have time to inaudible of its(the name and now starts rise to return. Not half the battle, this Honda Estilo Crossfire soverigned as ambasador capable to lift again big name of Crossfire in Indonesia.
This car x'self its(the total using 30 subwoofer Crossfire decibel and P series, 9 fruit of power Crossfire from various types from class AB and D, 10 sets speaker from split and coaxcial, 4 fruit of accumulator from finite 45A of 230A, 2000 Led and 16 LCD monitors racikan Avix. For data specification of complete and explains sweet OS can see tables and system scheme is end [by] this tuisan.
Theme embraced is fully show cartainment. To reach its(the purpose this invited a podium with height 40 cm, system lightning podium, smoke system and 6 people espege readily anaesthetizes every coming and seeing. Not to mention dukunga from humanity team “ Crossfire-ers” readily advocates big name of team.
146,1 db
OSMIUM simply not to hard of menjajal this complicated system, cause in two-day of contest SLM Surabaya, this Estilo Crossfie doesn't desist looks on its(the ability.
In opportunity which fairly not differs in, contest challenge fun SPL bravely Estilo buys. “ Will close cabin or opened problem not” challanges Deden. And simply, this challenge of course non figment. The reason is, at contesting fun espiel this FFA, Estilo class successfully walks off with first champion with numeral membesut 146,1 decibels.
Hmm...OS is burned up also with setting in it this, cause is not a few the spectataor that moment “ ngerumpiin” this car with various angle discussion like bla...bla...bla or bli...bli...bli. So, from at bete, just all OSMIUM of menjajal alias ngejalanin mandatory ritual, ngetes quality of system car stereo.
First way is with dorsal motorized cabin in a state of open. Software used is one of number very anyar from Black Eye Peas entitles Don't Phunk With My Heart, where this song with character viscid R&B with tones touch funk. Result of his(its besides body depress hardly and hard breathed, OSMIUM assumes this system so(after kenceng for car size is having cosmetic. Sedangakan the next di-step is when cabin Estilo is closed. Secretory conclusion is, OSMIUM doesn't wish to remain stripper in cabin for at twice his(its at the time of system car stereo is operating.
“ No thanks boss! Gue darling still same of ear gue. Gue pengen nikmatin still wire oscillations from system eskiu has guest speaker gue. Other of aja deh lutetium tawarin comes into,” closed friend reject OS the scorpion.
So, kebayang same dong of OS Mania????
Engineering specification :
1Head uNIt Clarion VRX935DVD
2EQ Crossfire CQ202L
3Power Crossfire VR804
4Power Crossfire VR354
5Power Crossfire VR2000D
6Subwoofer Crossfire decibel 310
7Subwoofer Crossfire P1019
8Subwoofer Crossfire BMF
9Subwoofer Crossfire X-6
10Speaker SX625
11Tweeter Horn EH-1
12Monitor AVIX 7"
13Monitor AOC 17"
14Capbank EFX
15Kabel-kabel EFX
Yup...sebuah wise decision of which is enough weight to be taken. The reason is, after through calculation njelimet and stringency debate, finally car Honda Estilo Crossfire racikan Xtreme Soundworks Surabaya, proper carry title The Emperor for the first time his(its.
Nice Detail With 30 Subs
Didn't miscast of course if this Estilo Crossfire dinobatkan to become first Emperor in Indonesia. The reason is for business finishing, idea and detail work, Estilo this chameleon simply can be spelled out members not fail with the “ senior” which has in advance glorious.
First of all, the pimpro ( leader proyek-red.) Deden, countersinks 30 fruit of subwoofer into hatchback sedan exiguus cabin which also hardly is liked in world street this race. “ We apply all possibility that the spaces in cabin Estilo. Result of his(its enough optimal with 30 subwoofer” explains young instalatur is being ascending its(the career.
Of course correctness, every milisenti from available cabin space applied to dash down every subwoofer attached. Started from back cabin which has oppressed, gallery of mine under jok front, trim door and enabling other places. Its(the principle there is no areal let gets away.
Which enough making OS a few geleng-geleng is work with finishing and detail which counted precision. Can be spelled out members, quality of work of like this usually mastered by senior workshop-workshop empirically job(activity which as of warehouse it is of course. So, workshop which mangkal in number Barata Jaya, Surabaya, at least solvent this of menunjukan its(the class.
This can be seen through cosmetic gaps motorized, contour hollowing and its(the cosmetic panels extension. “ Mas can see same extension of celahnya”tantang Deden to OS when photograph session is done.
Best Extreme Fiber Design
In gelaran Stereo Look Modification and this Tuner Show Off, Estilo “ Extreme” this Crossfire can grab one of prestigious title that is, Best Extreme Fiber Design. Likely this cup of course it is good to stops by to citadel Crossfire . Where with strength designs is extreme with 30 subwoofer for car cabin as of class Estilo, this still be added with dual system motorized, Chameleon extreme cosmetics and finishing which natty of boss caryopsis!!! As other evidence, not less than 18 trophy can be grabbed team which “ have time” is not considered its(the existence at event SLM performed in Surabaya for the first time of this.
Carries 30 subwoofer kedalam a narrow;tight cabin of course not easy. Besides requiring kepiawaian is more, seoang instalatur also need to thought of space the rest which later will be utilized for other important device which will support system designed it is of course, like power, speaker or source of energy?power allowance like accumulator for example.
Result of his(its, designed cosmetic in such a manner with theme futuristik which viscid. a box fiber with beautiful similar design dint friskily can make a move cabin exit energy by system motorized which have been tested can work expediently and smooth. After part of this exit, hence space the rest zero applied to fill other subwoofer.
Hereinafter is see quality of contour dint and finishing paint done. Xtreme Soundworks again menunjukan its(the class where its(the garapan is this counted cumulus. Its(the contour is smooth and far from impression “ weight” or gives. Besides finishing solvent chameleon paint “ anaesthetizes” each and everyone who melihat...wowl!!
Customized Interior
Garapan custom at interior side nor forgotten. Although form of dasboard in general doesn't experience ubahan many, but attention of OS concentrated to couple “ throne” acrylic.
Acrylic sheet fed as thick 3 cm ordered to be special from special Jakarta to till a couple of this custom seat. “ Every its(the bodi contour dint, we take away from Sparco Torino. While to aparting treads on foot/feet, we correspond to owner of car. Coincidently its(the owner has small body posture, thus distance treads on it have been adapted for owner” light Deden again.
At its(the production process is simply not easy to thought. Required more than simply “ diligent”, that is improve in facing constraint. “ Acrylic 3 this cm is not cut uses laser, malainkan manual. its(the Trik consisted of three part of pekerjaaan. Firstly is part of sawing, both parts is inhaling acrylic dirt, and third is part of sprinkling water. All these is done by saw memuai and temperature. Mean sawmill process thus is pursued and lag” light Deden again elaborate.
its(the Klimax is admission filling of the throne of without less than 2000 ingots LED is having color is blue filling stiap angle of cosmetic garapan this Xtreme Soundworks. Weits...ngekstrim yooo....!!!
All About Crossfire
Product of negari this Paman Sam actually have ever been is popular in in the middle of the 90-an and beginning of this milenium. But have time to inaudible of its(the name and now starts rise to return. Not half the battle, this Honda Estilo Crossfire soverigned as ambasador capable to lift again big name of Crossfire in Indonesia.
This car x'self its(the total using 30 subwoofer Crossfire decibel and P series, 9 fruit of power Crossfire from various types from class AB and D, 10 sets speaker from split and coaxcial, 4 fruit of accumulator from finite 45A of 230A, 2000 Led and 16 LCD monitors racikan Avix. For data specification of complete and explains sweet OS can see tables and system scheme is end [by] this tuisan.
Theme embraced is fully show cartainment. To reach its(the purpose this invited a podium with height 40 cm, system lightning podium, smoke system and 6 people espege readily anaesthetizes every coming and seeing. Not to mention dukunga from humanity team “ Crossfire-ers” readily advocates big name of team.
146,1 db
OSMIUM simply not to hard of menjajal this complicated system, cause in two-day of contest SLM Surabaya, this Estilo Crossfie doesn't desist looks on its(the ability.
In opportunity which fairly not differs in, contest challenge fun SPL bravely Estilo buys. “ Will close cabin or opened problem not” challanges Deden. And simply, this challenge of course non figment. The reason is, at contesting fun espiel this FFA, Estilo class successfully walks off with first champion with numeral membesut 146,1 decibels.
Hmm...OS is burned up also with setting in it this, cause is not a few the spectataor that moment “ ngerumpiin” this car with various angle discussion like bla...bla...bla or bli...bli...bli. So, from at bete, just all OSMIUM of menjajal alias ngejalanin mandatory ritual, ngetes quality of system car stereo.
First way is with dorsal motorized cabin in a state of open. Software used is one of number very anyar from Black Eye Peas entitles Don't Phunk With My Heart, where this song with character viscid R&B with tones touch funk. Result of his(its besides body depress hardly and hard breathed, OSMIUM assumes this system so(after kenceng for car size is having cosmetic. Sedangakan the next di-step is when cabin Estilo is closed. Secretory conclusion is, OSMIUM doesn't wish to remain stripper in cabin for at twice his(its at the time of system car stereo is operating.
“ No thanks boss! Gue darling still same of ear gue. Gue pengen nikmatin still wire oscillations from system eskiu has guest speaker gue. Other of aja deh lutetium tawarin comes into,” closed friend reject OS the scorpion.
So, kebayang same dong of OS Mania????
Engineering specification :
1Head uNIt Clarion VRX935DVD
2EQ Crossfire CQ202L
3Power Crossfire VR804
4Power Crossfire VR354
5Power Crossfire VR2000D
6Subwoofer Crossfire decibel 310
7Subwoofer Crossfire P1019
8Subwoofer Crossfire BMF
9Subwoofer Crossfire X-6
10Speaker SX625
11Tweeter Horn EH-1
12Monitor AVIX 7"
13Monitor AOC 17"
14Capbank EFX
15Kabel-kabel EFX
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